Titan Veterinary Services
We offer surgical services that range from the routine to the most urgent procedures. All surgeries are performed in clean, well-equipped facilities by an experienced team. Your pet will spend the day with us as they are prepared prior to their surgery until they wake up for post-surgical checks. All of our procedures include a thorough pre-surgical physical examination by a veterinarian, surgical monitoring, and lots of care and attention throughout the day. Our standard is to provide your pet with high quality surgical care in a stress-free and relaxing environment.
Vaccinations are preventative medicine that can help protect your pet from many contagious diseases and prolong their lives. We carry the DHPP, Rabies, Leptospirosis, Lyme, Bordetella, and Bivalent Canine Influenza vaccines for dogs. And we carry the FVRCP, Rabies, FELV, and FIV vaccines for cats.
Laser Therapy
Using therapeutic cold-laser technology, we target specific tissues to speed up healing, decrease pain, and decrease risk of infection. This type of laser works at the cellular level to stimulate circulation, aid in tissue repair, and decrease inflammation. Many of our surgical and dental patients receive a post-operative laser treatment at the surgical site. Laser therapy can also be useful in managing acute pain, arthritis, swelling, and superficial infections.